Equity management, as an intangible market demand: towards sustainable organizations
Equity management, intangible market demand, sustainability, sustainable organizationAbstract
This article gives an account of the referential foundations of how the market conditions organizations to compete with intangible attributes of the product, which are related to the basic components of sustainability (social, environmental and economic). Likewise, the referential foundations of how equity management, as intangible market demand, propitiates organizational changes towards sustainability are provided. These conceptual bases do not appear tacitly in literature reviews and constitute an important conceptual structure to address the analysis of organizations. In the literature, research that deals with the issue of equity management, as an intangible market demand that encourages organizational changes to move towards sustainability, is limited, and it is crucial to mention that the process of its integration into management translates into guarantee of quality and business excellence that responds to an intangible market demand, which contributes to the creation of sustainable organizations.
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