Test Automation of Operant Conditioning - Skinner boxes at Universidad Católica de Pereira
automation, nstrumentation, strengthening programs, microcontrollersAbstract
A design for test automation of operant conditioning has been carried outby the Universidad Católica de Pereira, and it is a combination of hardwareand software applications which aim is to improve teaching and learningprocesses within the psychology labs in this university. Such design hashelped to create a versatile device that can be used for the tests of OperantConditioning in manually or in an automatic way.Psychology researchers work in the laboratory whit the “Skinner’s box”.This is a tool used to develop test behavior with small birds and rats.These boxes allow the researcher to analyze unique human behaviorslike “choice behavior”, “reinforcement plans”, and others. Skinner –labmodulus with their hardware and software bring out solutions to difficultiesin the execution of the tests by taking information of the experiment, so theresearcher has just to observe without taking note of it.
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