Direct Digital Synthesis of Signals for Use in Scientific Instrumentation From a Programmable Waveform Generator


  • Javier Espitia
  • Álvaro Velásquez



Mössbauer effect, General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB), programable waveform generator, Direct Digital Synthesis (SDD)


Devices based on direct digital synthesis (SDD) have become a very attractive tool for engineers and scientifics who develop electronic instrumentation, being each time more used than analogic systems for signal generation because them offer advantages in performance and ease of manipulation of the parameters of the signals. In this work we present the implementation of the SDD technique in order to generate arbitrary signals with the programmable waveform generator Agilent 33220A. By means of a macro developed in Visual Basic, which is executed from Excel, the data of arbitrary signals are sent to the generator through the general purpose bus interface (GPIB). As a particular application of the method, we present the digital direct synthesis of the control signal for the oscillations of a velocity transducer used in transmisión Mössbauer spectroscopy.


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Author Biographies

  • Javier Espitia

    is a Physicist from Universidad de Córdoba, Monteria and Electronic Engineer from Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana. Currently he is a student of Master of Applied Physics of the University EAFIT and member of the Grupo de Óptica Aplicada of the same university. His current research interest is in the area of electronic instrumentation development.

  • Álvaro Velásquez

    Álvaro Velásquez is a Physicist from Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín and PhD from Universidad de Antioquia. Nowadays, he is Associate Professor of the Department of Basic Sciences from the Universidad EAFIT and member of the Grupo de Electromagnetismo Aplicado of the same university. His current research interest is in the area of scientific instrumentation development and Mössbauer spectroscopy applied to the characterization of iron oxides.


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How to Cite

Direct Digital Synthesis of Signals for Use in Scientific Instrumentation From a Programmable Waveform Generator. (2012). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 6(12), 9-13.