Extraction of phenolic compounds and content of catechin in barks of three forest species from Cauca-Colombia
Biomass, HPLC, SPE, polyphenols, condensed tanninsAbstract
The catechin content in barks of the forest species Pinus patula, Pinus oocarpa and Eucaliptus grandis, cultivated in the Department of Cauca-Colombia, was evaluated. The ethanol extracts were obtained by evaluating the best conditions of particle size, agitation time, solvent-bark ratio and temperature. The catechin content was determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet detector and using solid phase extraction (SPE) for sample cleaning. A catechin content of 2.00 ± 0.03%, 2.96 ± 0.02% and 0.18 ± 0.03% was found in barks of P. patula, P. oocarpa and E. grandis respectively. Catechin content indicates the great potential in industrial and medicinal applications for a renewable resource such as bark, abundant in the region and whose field disposition environmentally affects forest areas.
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