Evaluación del Desempeño de los Modelos de Tráfico Modulados por Cadenas de Markov en Redes 802.11 – Caso de Estudio Red QRD




Palabras clave:

QRD, WLAN, MAC, ranura de tiempo, ventana de contienda, cadenas de Markov, trafico, correlación, prueba de bondad de ajuste, sniffer


En este artículo se evalúa el desempeño de los modelos basados en procesos modulados por cadenas de Markov en redes IEEE 802.11. El estudio se centra en la red “Quindio Región Digital” (QRD). La evaluación del desempeño de los modelos de tráfico se desarrolla en tres etapas. En la primera etapa se obtienen las características estadísticas del tráfico real de la red QRD. En la segunda etapa, se realiza una selección de los modelos de tráfico que se adecuan mejor a las características reales de la red QRD tales como operación fuera de saturación y manejo de tráfico heterogéneo. En la tercera etapa, se define una métrica del desempeño, la cual se utiliza para evaluar los patrones de tráfico real y generado con el modelo a través de simulación.



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Biografía del autor/a

  • Evelio Astaiza Hoyos

    Evelio Astaiza Hoyos He was born in Popayán - Cauca in December of 1973, completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Cauca, where he graduated in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering in 1998, then completed his Master studies at the University of Cauca obtaining the title of Master in engineering Area Electronics and Telecommunications in 2008 and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Signal Theory and Communications at the Vigo University in Spain.

    He has served as systems chief, systems analyst, consultant for planning and implementation of telecommunications networks and related activities and he has served in university teaching and administrative positions at the level of coordination and management of undergraduate and graduate programs, he has served on numerous technical committees - scientific events and popular science magazines and currently teaches at the Universidad del Quindío and he is Colciencias and CNA academic couple.

  • Héctor Fabio Bérmudez Orozco

    Héctor Fabio Bérmudez Orozco He was born in Miranda - Cauca in March of 1973, completed his  undergraduate studies at the University Universidad Católica de Pereira of Cauca, where he graduated in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering in 2000, then completed his Master studies at the University
    of Cauca obtaining the title of Master in engineering Area Electronics and Telecommunications in 2010 and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Signal Theory and Communications at the Vigo University in Spain.

    He has served as systems chief, and in university teaching, he has served on numerous technical committees - scientific events and popular science magazines and currently teaches at the Universidad del Quindío and he is Colciencias and CNA academic couple.

  • Diego Fernando Salgado Castro

    Diego Fernando Salgado Castro, born in Armenia Quindio on March 1, 1985, studied at school elementary Jorge Isaacs city of Armenia and later he studied in school Baccalaureate José Celestino Mutis INEM city of
    Armenia. Join the University of Quindio in 2002 at the Faculty of Basic Sciences and earned the title of technologist in electronics in 2006, the same year entering the program entitled Electronic Engineering Engineering graduates as electronics engineer on April de 2012.


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Cómo citar

Evaluación del Desempeño de los Modelos de Tráfico Modulados por Cadenas de Markov en Redes 802.11 – Caso de Estudio Red QRD. (2012). Entre Ciencia E Ingeniería, 6(12), 75-81. https://doi.org/10.31908/19098367.699