The lignin of the Angustifolia Kunth guadua incorporated into the substrate of the fungus pleurotus ostreatus




Lignin is extracted from the angustifolia Kunth guadua by the process of digestion with NaOH in a reactor at high pressure and temperature, separating it from the cellulose. Purified lignin is characterized by the infrared spectroscopy that gives the functional characteristics of this one. Using the technique of microbial culture, the sowing is done in Petri dishes of the strain of the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus on agar. Here the time taken by the mycelium to cover the entire Petri dish is determined. This seed is then repeated, but by adding different amounts of lignin, determining the time to cover the Petri dishes, lignin is found to inhibit the growth of the mycelium, and from 40% of lignin in the substrate there is no growth, which is equivalent to the average lethal dose. In each box the area covered by the fungus is measured, being considered as future potential in the non-food industry of the coffee region of the country.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Henry Reyes Pineda, Universidad del Quindío

    He is a Chemical Engineer graduated from the National University of Colombia, Manizales Headquarters with Specialization in Environmental Education, Specialization in Electrochemical and Corrosion Engineering, Diploma of Advanced Studies in Membrane Technologies, Electrochemistry and Environment Nuclear Safety and with a Doctorate in Chemical and Nuclear Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. He is currently a full-time professor at the University of Quindío, Armenia, Colombia and Dean of the Faculty of Agroindustrial Sciences; It is part of the Research Group in Environmental Sciences. Among its areas of research work are Electrochemical Engineering, Environmental Processes, solid and liquid waste treatment, reactor design, biotechnology, among others


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Cómo citar

The lignin of the Angustifolia Kunth guadua incorporated into the substrate of the fungus pleurotus ostreatus. (2019). Entre Ciencia E Ingeniería, 13(25), 9-13.