Design of an electropneumatic positioning module for the training of professionals for automation and industrial control
Didactic module, Mechatronics, Electropneumatic, Laboratory practice, Vocational trainingAbstract
This paper is part of the construction of a didactic module, which aims to assist the student in their process of professional training in Mechatronic Engineering and programs for automation and industrial control. The problem focuses on the identifi cation of missing elements for the development of laboratory practices and that, due to its high cost, requires a fi nancial investment by the institution to promote the ingenuity of the working group and management of elements of the area of didactic resources of the institution, which is used for the realization of laboratory assemblies in control applications, for the construction of the module. The validation is carried out using a pilot test, with a sample of students of the Institution, whose objective is to develop a practical exercise focused on the assembly of electro-pneumatic circuits as a particular subject of the study subject. To inquire about the physical characteristics of the module, the relationship with the workspace, the compatibility, and fl exibility of connection in the system, method or elements of control and the degree of apprehension as an educational resource, are aspects that are expected to be analyzed once the module is implemented.
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