Electronic system teleoperated by mobile application for the control of an omnidirectional wheelchair 1





Mathematical model, mobile application, omnidirectional mobile platform, remote control, wheelchairs


People who use wheelchairs as a device of displacement due to their mobility limitations are repeatedly restricted by architectural and social factors. It is necessary to grant users greater autonomy and independence and the new developments in technological devices being an alternative to improve their lives. The project was executed in three phases, in the first phase a study was made of the state of the art of omnidirectional platforms and of their mathematical modeling by means of the kinematic equations of an omnidirectional mobile platform, in the second phase the electronic system was designed and developed, finally in the third phase it covers programming, development and remote interaction between a mobile application with the wheelchair. An electronic system is developed for the remote control of an omnidirectional platform which is adaptable to a wheelchair to grant it holonomic movements.



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Author Biographies

  • Nelson Enrique Trillos León, Universidad Industrial de Santander

    He is an Electronic Engineer graduated from the Industrial University of Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia). The areas of his research interest include: the design and construction of electronic devices, IoT, process automation, artifiical intelligence and cloud computing. He has experience in developing research, development, and innovation projects (R+D+I). He currently works as a certified expert consultant in intelligent automation and is an active member of the RadioGIS research group.

  • Homero Ortega Boada, Universidad Industrial de Santander

    He is a PhD in Engineering Sciences from the Kiev International University of Civil Aviation (Ukraine) and combines a wealth of experience in the industry, the regulation of the ICT sector and in scientific research on communications issues. This is derived from his time at the Ericsson company, the Industrial University of Santander (UIS) and the National Spectrum Agency, where he served as Advisor to the General Directorate of the National Spectrum Agency and as Interim Deputy Director. At the UIS he has been a project leader, research professor, director of the RadioGIS research group and the ICT Center.


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How to Cite

Electronic system teleoperated by mobile application for the control of an omnidirectional wheelchair 1. (2025). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 18(36), 42-47. https://doi.org/10.31908/19098367.2916