Statistical analysis of solar radiation in the city of Cúcuta
Global solar radiation, sun peak hours, insolation, R StudioAbstract
This work presents a statistical analysis of solar radiation in the city of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. The main purpose of this study is to provide a thorough description of the solar energy available in this territory. To perform the analysis, we processed data of hourly global solar radiation during a period of nine years; we used R software to execute diff erent types of statistical calculations. In this paper, we present graphs to summarize the values of global solar radiation for each month and the whole year. Furthermore, we obtained 5.335 sun peak hours for the city of Cucuta and proposed an equation to estimate global solar radiation from historical data for this site. This research aims to quantify, from a statistical point of view, the solar resource available in the city of Cucuta.
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