Determination of thermodynamic parameters and design of a hydrogen fuel cell level pilot plant
Thermodynamic properties, fuel cell (electrochemical reactor, Nafion 117 (Nafion 117), potentiostatic, galvanostatic (galvanostatic)Abstract
The clean alternative energy production is a challenge facing society, therefore, through the analysis and design made a prototype production cell hydrogen proton-type pilot plant level (PEM), operating in potentiostatic conditions
1V, 1.23 V and 5 V and galvanostatic conditions of 30 mA, 40 mA, 50 mA, 70 mA, 80 mA y 90 mA for 10 minutes, using KOH as a catalyst and four steel electrodes preactivated with 3 mm separation between them (73 cm2 surface), It was permitted to obtain the thermodynamic parameters, such as the enthalpy of the reaction, the Gibbs free energy and entropy; besides it was stablished optimal potential experimental work and energy efficiency when a Nafion 117 membrane on (surface 36 cm2) was used and in the absence of the same.
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