Requirements Engineering: from software requirements specification to quality assurance. How MSMEs developers of software in Pereira city do it
The development of requirements is a fundamental step in any software development project because, along with requirements management, ensures that the product developed effectively meets the needs that the customer really has. To achieve this, the Requirements Engineering raises the disciplined execution of a series of activities, among which is highly significant for its role in achieving quality, specification or definition of the requirements. However, this is a complex and rigorous process, and requires very specific knowledge that few universities in the country offer, so that, it is difficult to find qualified professionals for this specific domain in the region. So, ¿how can the local software industry (MSME) offer an appropriate specification requirements?, this article aims to make an approach to the way companies located in the city of Pereira face the topic about requirements; the analysis makes part of an ongoing research project that aims to “develop a procedure to specify and validate software requirements based on previous studies in the region”, as a contribution to a sector that seeks to increase its levels of maturity and quality.
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