Routing in wireless sensor networks using bio-inspired algorithms




Connectivity, coverage, rror control, nodes, optimization methods, routing, swarm algorithms, simulation, wireless sensor networks


We present a solution to the problem of routing in a wireless sensor network based on Swarm Intelligence, which has been applied successfully to other routing problems, for example, the traveling salesman problem and others. Routing in a wireless sensor network can be understood as an optimization problem. In the solution presented, there are both source and destination node. The problem is focused on fi nding a path that allows optimally connecting both nodes. The search space is the complete set of possible paths that connect these two nodes. Two swarm algorithms were implemented for routing: ant—based algorithm, and bee—based algorithm. The results show that swarm intelligence improves the routing in a wireless sensor network when it is considering aspects such as the amount of energy available in the nodes. The simulations show that it produces an improvement in the lifetime of the network.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Carlos Blandón A., Universidad Católica de Pereira

    System Engineer at Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia in 2004. Master in Engineering focused on systems and computation, Javeriana University Cali Colombia in 2011. Ph.D. in Engineering— systems and computing at Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín in 2017. Associate Professor at Universidad Católica de Pereira, Colombia. His research interests are focused in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. ORCID:

  • Jesus Alfonso López, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente

    Born in Cali in 1972, he obtained his degree as an Electrical Engineer at Universidad del Valle de Colombia in 1996. He graduated as Master on Automatics, at the same university in 1998. He obtained his Doctor of Engineering (Ph. D.) degree at Universidad del Valle in 2007. His areas of interest are artificial neural networks and deep learning and, the applications of fuzzy systems and evolutionary computing. He is also interested in the tools that facilitate the teaching of computer intelligenceand automatic control. He is a professional member of IEEE; he belongs toComputational Intelligence and Automatic Control chapters. He is currentlylinked to the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente in Cali and he belongsto the Research Group in Energy, GIEN. He has published several articlesand books on topics of Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Control.ORCID:

  • Luis Eduardo Tobón Llano, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    Received the B.S. degree in electronics engineering and the M.S. degree in material science from the Universidad del Quindio, Armenia, Colombia, in 2003 and 2007, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, in 2013. He has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana at Cali, Cali, Colombia, since 2007, where he is currently a Research Associate Professor. His current research involves using continuum level modeling and simulation to characterize complex systems and phenomena (electromagnetics, vibrations, dynamics, acoustics, thermography). He focuses on reducing the computational complexity of simulation methods to understand structures on large-scale systems, based on computational domain decomposition and orthogonal basis functions. Professor Tobon is also interested in the properties of families of orthogonal functions to perform computationally efficient signal analysis for detection and classi cation, and data compression for various contexts. Based on this approach, we are recently working on soundscape as a means to diagnose the health of urban and natural environments, in collaboration with the Alexander Von Humboldt Institute. Professor Tobon has been working in applications of emerging technologies associated with the Internet of Things (IoT), from acoustic noise analysis to agriculture. These works have been supported by the Center of Excellence and Appropriation on the Internet of Things (CEA-IoT), through the project funded by the Colombian Ministry for the Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC), and the Colombian Administrative Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Colciencias). ORCID:


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How to Cite

Routing in wireless sensor networks using bio-inspired algorithms. (2018). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 12(24), 130-137.