Validation of an electronic prototype for fertigation and greenhouse control




Automatic control, Fertigation, User interface, Internet of things, Greenhouse, Drip irrigation, Sensor


This article presents the validation procedure of an electronic prototype of fertigation and environmental control in a greenhouse. The methodology compares the information collected on site, comparing the effect of control actions on the physical-chemical variables of the soil near the root of the plant and that of its surrounding environment. The information collected over time is analyzed to identify and evaluate the performance of the hardware, as well as the functionality of the controller. The results show the contribution of the introduced method, since it is possible to validate the prototype in each of the stages of the control process, keeping the values of the evaluated variables close to the reference value. Finally, it is possible to control all the variables with a single controller, and the importance of having a user interface on site and through the network for controller management.


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How to Cite

Validation of an electronic prototype for fertigation and greenhouse control. (2021). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 15(29), 28-36.