Simulation of the customer experience in points of attention of a mass transportation system using Systems Dynamics




CRM, customer relationship management, system dynamics, simulation, satisfaction, IMTS, integrated mass transit systems


The process of generating identity cards in integrated transport systems is a generally source of complaints by almost all the users. This is the starting point in which customers have an ongoing relationship with the company. The way in which these users are handled must involve an agile and satisfactory process. However, in this system they must go through multiple service posts for treatment, generating delays and dissatisfaction with the little information users generally have. This document presents a conceptual model by the approach of system dynamics, which identifies the need to make decisions related to technology investment and training the servers in various tasks together with a better communication strategy, which allows users to enter the system with a previously completed form, given their availability online. It also identifies the necessary number of advisers and how much they must delay in the process of attention, so that the perceived satisfaction of the clients is maximized.


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Author Biographies

  • Luis Camilo Carvajal Echeverri, Universidad de Antioquia

    Ingeniero Industrial de la Universidad de Antioquia. Actualmente trabaja con el desarrollo de investigaciones relacionadas con el área de servicio al cliente en organizaciones de carácter público y privado. Cuenta con amplia experiencia en cargos administrativos relacionados con SAC en empresas Multinacionales del Sector de Telecomunicaciones.

  • Valentina Alzate Carmona, Universidad de Antioquia

    Ingeniera Industrial de la Universidad de Antioquia. Actualmente se desempeña como experta en desarrollo de investigaciones en servicio al cliente y marketing relacional. Cuenta con experiencia en el sector financiero, mejoramiento continuo y relaciones con el cliente.

  • Yony Fernando Ceballos, Universidad de Antioquia

    Ingeniero Industrial de la Universidad de Antioquia. Actualmente trabaja con el desarrollo de investigaciones relacionadas con el área de servicio al cliente en organizaciones de carácter público y privado. Cuenta con amplia experiencia en cargos administrativos relacionados con SAC en empresas Multinacionales del Sector de Telecomunicaciones.


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How to Cite

Simulation of the customer experience in points of attention of a mass transportation system using Systems Dynamics. (2017). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 11(21), 73-81.