El proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje de las operaciones básicas en matemáticas
Competences, teaching, , learning, Wave project, basics operationsAbstract
When sharing experiences with other teachers, it is very common for them to say “the students do not even know how to add or substract, they get knocked out by the fractions, they have problems to clarify a problematic situation, they do not know how to use the signs, etc. These comments could be normal in seventh grade, but what is surprising is that they are not only about those students who are starting their secondary school, but students from universities. And this situation is very worring, since it is supposed that the students at university level, have had tuition in all kinds of basic mathematics, and have a domain of the fundamental topics, but it does not seem to be that way. 3 In this text, the author shows the results obtained in the first step of the research project “how to develop the operative comprehension in basic education students”. The research project developmet started in the year 2007 with its registration in the program Ondas Maestro Colciencias, which is in its second step nowadays.
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