Determinación de metales pesados por métodos analíticos en residuos de Sulfato de Zinc producidos en un laboratorio de química.
pollution, waste, sulfates, laboratoriesAbstract
Environmental pollution is harmful when there is a change in the physical, chemical orbiological environment, and it can be caused by human activity (anthropogenic pollution) or bygeochemical or natural causes as well. This affects environmental quality and the possibilityof life for human beings and other species.Wastes produced in chemical laboratories have a number of risks and consequences of verydiverse origin, mainly related to health and environment, because the products aremanipulated and different actions are done with them. Therefore, it is essential to take intoaccount some rules, not only those directly related to the control of occupational hazards, butalso with the specific regulations of industrial safety, emissions and discharges, withoutavoiding the number of local rules which are proposed. In addition, waste managementshould be regulated within a specific plan.This research deals with the qualitative and quantitative determination of heavy metalscontained in waste produced from reactions of Zinc with Copper Sulfate (II) pentahydrate,carried out in the chemistry laboratories in the universities: Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellínand in that one of Havana. The results obtained during the research process showed thatLead was found in high proportion in all the Zinc Sulfates samples, and Nickel metal wasfound in some of them. These metals are considered highly dangerous to humans, flora andfauna.The methods used were: UV-Visible spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Themetal Pb was determined as the main heavy metal, pollutant affecting the health of livingbeings. That is why it is recommended not to dump this waste into the sewer.
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