Implementation of an Agent NS2 to Support Information Services (MIIS) of 802.21
Handover, 802.21, MIHS, MIIS, NS2Abstract
The improvement of wireless solutions aimed to the provision oftelecommunication services has led to the development of differenttechnologies for specific environments, each one of them with a particulararchitecture and scope. This fast development has highlighted the needof the services, which are largely provided on the infrastructure available,always searching the best performance network offered at a time andplace.An alternatively for this process is the Research Group IEEE 802.21, whichis in charge of standardizing the Media Independent Handover (MIH)solution of interoperability at Layer 2 between technologies IEEE, andbetween these and the current cellular networks.This article presents the process for the implementation of a NS2 (NetworkSimulator 2) agent to evaluate the behavior of Media IndependentInformation Service (MIIS) of IEEE 802.21 (IEEE, 2008) on a high mobilityscenario.
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