Study of Proposals for Supporting Internet Traffic Engineering




Internet, traffic engineering, performance


Traffic engineering is an important process for the evaluation and performance in the optimization of operational IP networks. This article provides a rigorous study of several recommendations made by the IETF and other approaches proposed by researchers in the last decade; they are related to specify and support the process of Internet traffic engineering. This study provides a contextualization of a traffic engineering system, the taxonomy and several problems that have been studied in order to improve performance in these networks. This information will be a valuable input to generate a new proposal in order to support Internet traffic engineering.


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Author Biographies

  • Line Yasmin Becerra Sánchez

    PhD (c) en Ingeniería
    Magíster en Ingeniería Área de Telecomunicaciones
    Especialista en Telecomunicaciones
    Ingeniera Electrónica
    Docente Investigadora Universidad Católica de Pereira
    Grupo de Investigación TICS

  • Jhon Jairo Padilla Aguilar

    PhD en Telemática
    MSc en Informática
    Ingeniero Electrónico
    Docente Investigador Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Sede Bucaramanga
    Grupo de Investigación GITEL


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How to Cite

Study of Proposals for Supporting Internet Traffic Engineering. (2012). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 6(11), 53-76.