Control de desplazamiento de móvil robótico mediante movimientos de cabeza utilizando visión de máquina
tele control 2D vision, haar classifier, image processing, eye detectionAbstract
In this article the motion control of a roboticmobile-wheel steering control, which is operated by headmovements based for movement forward, reverse, left andright commands is presented. By image processing techniquesdisplacement vector head, whose address is used to determinethe direction of movement of the mobile is generated. Headmovement based on the detection of the eye by the algorithmof Viola-Jones of this a reference position to establish thecoordinates of the origin of the vector so determined suchthat the movement of eyes from this point generates themagnitude which determines the direction of movement of themobile, remote protocol is performed by the computer XBEEmicrocontrolled card to operating the vehicle, the accuracyobtained under semi controlled lighting environment is 99.8%.
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