Fabrication Of Microstructures
Planar coils, photo-reduced camera, transparency photo-mask, educationAbstract
One of the education challenges in microelectronics is to convey students the basic steps for electronic devices fabrication. This article introduces how rapid rototyping of planar coils combines photo-mask fabrication, photolithography and wet etching, and how it can be used for training at the undergraduate level. Low cost photo-masks are generated using printing master layouts of coil patterns designed with Inkscape and Adobe InDesign and transferred onto a photographic KODAK paper using a DeVere reduction copy camera. Three parameters are analyzed for transferring the layout onto the photomask and then onto an Al substrate: the camera’s reduction factor, the grain size of the Kodak paper and the quality of the InkJet photo-printer. Fabrication of submicron aluminum coils is achieved with optimization of these parameters. The hands-on experience on device fabrication impacts the students’ ability to comprehend
interactions between mask designs, fabrication and devices layout.
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