Software development applying a methodological proposal designed at Universidad Católica de Pereira
SQA, software, software engineering, document managementAbstract
This article is the result of the research project entitled “Validation of a model for the software development in order to improve the process and the product in MSMEs and SMEs which create software in Colombia “. It is carried out at Universidad Católica de Pereira by the research group Innovation and Engineering (GIII-UCP).
The model comprises a number of phases and activities around the development and management: requirements, architecture, construction, testing, implementation, planning and estimating, SQA, versions’ settings, incident reporting and documentation.
In order to validate the model, it is planned at first; to carry out software development following a specific methodology. One of these developments is “a good standing certificate system” - that allows the management of information and documents in the cloud-. The general objective of this work is the application of an own model in the process of development and management of the system. So that, the means to validate the quality of the software developed, in the implementation of future projects, contrasted to others similar existing in the market, will be ready.
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