Solutions for the fluids between parallel and porous walls
Parallel porous walls, conducting fluids, Injection, EjectionAbstract
A conducting fluid is continuously injected or ejected through a pair of parallel porous walls and it escapes in both directions along the channel. The flow forms a stagnation point at the center and the effluence is restricted by a magnetic field. A theoretical analysis of steady state solutions of the MHD equations in the incompressible case is given as a function of three parameters: the Reynolds number Re, the magnetic Reynolds number Rm and Alfvenic Mach number MA for some of significant asymptotic limits. For highly conducting plasma (Rm >> 1) it was found that the magnetic field restrains the outflow for MA <1 and drives the escape for MA >1. In motions of low conductivity (Rm <<1) the magnetic field contains (and can be used for controlling) the effluence.
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