LMI sliding mode control approach for electromechanical systems





linear matrix inequalities, sliding modes, robot manipulators, sensor fault


This paper presents a control approach that is based on the combination of Linear Matrix Inequalities and Sliding mode control. This approach is appropriate
to electromechanical systems like robotic manipulators, helicopter models, inverted pendulum systems and so. The proposed control law is has two parts: a linear component and a nonlinear component. The linear component is designed with the objective to track an appropriate reference model given. The nonlinear control component provides robustness in face nonlinearities, disturbances, parametric uncertainties and sensor faults. The performance of proposed controller is tested in two examples: the PR and ELBOW robot models, which are simulated in Simulink of MATLAB®.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Mauricio Salamanca, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

    was born in Sogamoso, Colombia. Electronic Engineering from Universidad Distrital Francisco José
    De Caldas, Bogota, Ms. In Automatización Industrial from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá and the Engineering Doctor degree from Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. He is working as full time professor
    in the UPTC. His current research interests are technology control applications, mine ventilation control and education in control.

  • Ramiro Alejandro Plazas Rosas

    was born in Sogamoso, Colombia. He received the B.S. in Electronics Engineering from UPTC and the
    Master degree in Automatic from Universidad del Valle. His current research interests are technology control applications and education in control.

  • Edna Joydeth Avella Rodríguez

    was born in Sogamoso, Colombia. He received the B.S. in Electronics Engineering from UPTC, is currently
    student the master degree in Automatic from Universidad del Valle. His current research interests are technology control applications and biological control systems.


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How to Cite

LMI sliding mode control approach for electromechanical systems. (2014). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 8(16), 41-48. https://doi.org/10.31908/19098367.593