Photocatalytic degradation of the ortho and meta-Nitroaniline in a cylindrical reactor - parabolic compound
ortho-nitroaniline, meta-nitroaniline, photocatalytic degradationAbstract
Catalytic photodegradation with solar radiation is one of the most economical and highly useful technologies in advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of contaminants in water. The technique uses semiconductors that take advantage of a percentage of the wavelength emitted by the sun for the generation of species pair hollow-electron, that initiate the conversion of the molecules to be degraded. In the present research the photodegradation of the ortho and meta-Nitroaniline systems is studied in a solar reactor fitted with a compound Parabolic Collector (CPC) built at microscale, using TiO2 as a catalyst in suspension. The optimum conditions were determined in terms of solution flow rate, species derived from the acid and type of oxidizing agent. The results reveal a higher percentage of degradation with the use of hydrogen peroxide regardless of the flow rate for both compounds and an acceptable water quality under biological analysis on species guppies (Poecilia reticulata).
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