Explorando la dinámica de la marcha humana: Una revisión de sistemas de análisis basados en dispositivos de captura de imágenes
Human gait analysis, RGB-D cameras, robots, mobile systems, static systems, spatio-temporal variablesAbstract
Human gait has been studied using various technologies that measure spatiotemporal variables, such as the duration of support phases, speed and cadence, step length and width, among others. In this review, static and mobile systems integrated with image capture devices such as RGB-D cameras have been explored. These systems have been tested on various groups of participants, including people with Parkinson's and cerebrovascular injuries, as well as healthy individuals. The results show that many of these technologies have significant correlation with "Gold Standard" systems such as Vicon, although limitations and challenges are evident, such as accuracy and applicability in different settings. Nevertheless, these advances have a potentially significant impact on the assessment and treatment of gait disorders.
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