Methodology and algorithm to fi nd perfect numbers in a given range of natural numbers using Functional Programming
algorithm, perfect number, natural number, computer programming, functional programmingAbstract
This article explains a model of teaching computer programming applied to the solution of a specific problem from functional programming paradigm establishing a relationship to the student, academically among the topics covered in mathematics and possibility of capitalizing computer technology to solve it. This research used the method of study and solution of a specific case from the perspective of mathematical logic implementation developed in the first course of computer programming in Systems Engineering. The results show an assimilation, appropriation, application and feedback conducted so that it has been applied, by students in similar exercises from the perspective of autonomous learning and active participation. The conclusion is that the solution of mathematical problems from programming is an area that could be exploited much more, from the teaching, to reach learning goals of student and that this strategy enable selflearning and active learning.
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