Methodology of evaluation by formation of groups in a fi rst computer programming course using Collaborative Learning




Learning, collaborative learning, meaningful learning, programming teaching, assessment, computer programming


This article presents the results of a specific methodology used with some programming courses where we conform groups of students with diff erent characteristics looking to improve the individual learning level in the learning process of computer programming in a Systems Engineer program. The target of this research was to explore an easy way to learn based on cooperation and collaboration between students. We realized tests in the programming courses by dividing the group in two subgroups based on some determined parameters. We conclude that the results bring a special light to consider as important inside the learning process of engineers so the experience could be very useful in other engineering programs and other areas.


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Author Biography

  • Omar Ivan Trejos Buriticá, universidad tecnológica de Pereira

    Ingeniero de Sistemas, Especialista en Instrumentación Física, MSc en Comunicación Educativa. PhD en Ciencias de la Educación. Investigador y docente de planta de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Autor de 15 libros y gran cantidad de artículos en los cuales refleja su experiencia y conocimiento alrededor de la programación de computadores y de las diferentes metodologías que permiten que para el estudiante sea fácil acceder al conocimiento.


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How to Cite

Methodology of evaluation by formation of groups in a fi rst computer programming course using Collaborative Learning. (2018). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 12(23), 58-65.