Optimization of a microgrid operation considering operation cost, life of the batteries and uncertainty cost of eolic energy





Nowadays, autonomous systems that incorporate renewable energy sources and energy storage systems play a fundamental role as a solution to energy supply problems. These systems are a good alternative, mainly in remote areas of the electricity network such as islands. This paper analyzes the cost of battery life, operation and maintenance costs and the uncertainty costs associated with renewable energy agents for an autonomous microgrid developed on Dong-fushan Island in China, all in order to obtain the adequate parameters for the optimum operation of the same, without forgetting the characteristics of useful life in specific lead-acid batteries. It is intended, through the non-dominant algorithm of genetic classification (NSGA II), to achieve maximization of the aforementioned variables: useful life of the batteries, and the reduction of the generation cost, proposing a multi-objective optimization. In addition to the above, the costs of uncertainty associated with renewable wind energy are included.


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Author Biographies

  • Erik Esteban Carvajal González, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Nowadays, autonomous systems that incorporate renewable energy sources and energy storage systems play a fundamental role as a solution to energy supply problems. These systems are a good alternative, mainly in remote areas of the electricity network such as islands. This paper analyzes the cost of battery life, operation and maintenance costs and the uncertainty costs associated with renewable energy agents for an autonomous microgrid developed on Dong-fushan Island in China, all in order to obtain the adequate parameters for the optimum operation of the same, without forgetting the characteristics of useful life in specific lead-acid batteries. It is intended, through the non-dominant algorithm of genetic classification (NSGA II), to achieve maximization of the aforementioned variables: useful life of the batteries, and the reduction of the generation cost, proposing a multi-objective optimization. In addition to the above, the costs of uncertainty associated with renewable wind energy are included.

  • Gustavo Javier Muñoz López

    Ingeniero electricista egresado de la Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá. Enfocado en proyectos de energías renovables, como iluminación solar en Campo Rubiales, Meta, de Ecopetrol, y Energías fotovoltaicas para campamentos aislados; trabajos de confiabilidad de redes eléctricas de 34,5 KV y coordinación de protecciones eléctricas de potencia en la red de distribución de 186 MW de campo Rubiales, Meta.

  • Sergio Rivera, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    PhD. Ing. Electricista de Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2001); esp. en Ingeniería Eléctrica con énfasis en Sistemas de Distribución; PhD en Ingeniería Eléctrica del Instituto de Energía Eléctrica, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (2011). PhD. Asociado en el MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013); profesor en Universidad Nacional de Colombia en el área de sistemas de potencia y máquinas eléctricas (2014).


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How to Cite

Optimization of a microgrid operation considering operation cost, life of the batteries and uncertainty cost of eolic energy. (2019). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 13(25), 23-34. https://doi.org/10.31908/19098367.4011