Program educational project: elements for its reflection and elaboration


  • Dago Hernando Bedoya Ortiz
  • Jaime Montoya Ferrer


Curriculum, Academic standards, Human, Educational project.


This article proposes a methodological path for reflection and preparation of the program`s educational project (PEP); provides a brief historical journey of this element, and ends up posing a proposal taking into account elements curriculum, policy, research and social projection.

The national system for improving the quality of education in Colombia establishes different levels in the process of quality ranging from obtaining registration qualified to high-quality certification program and the institution in these guides or guidelines is Referring to educational projects Program (PEP) as a document of particular importance, but is not a proposal or guideline allowing the development of this requirement, the authors make this proposal, to provide inputs for programs and university can develop and maintain these documents with greater ease and consistency in such a way that would establish guidelines for institutional improvement.

Author Biographies

  • Dago Hernando Bedoya Ortiz

    Ingeniero de Sistemas, Especialista en auditoria de sistemas, exdirector y exprofesor de planta del programa Ingeniería de Sistemas y Telecomunicaciones en la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda,

  • Jaime Montoya Ferrer

    Administrador de negocios, Graduado programa de EXEDU En Espíritu Emprendedor, Maestría en Administración con énfasis en Negocios Internacionales, Director del Centro de Investigaciones de la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda.






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