Notes about the construction of a pedagogical model for the use of social networks


  • Gustavo Adolfo Peña Marín


Pedagogy, didactics, web 2.0, social networks.


This article is a reflection about the use of social networks for the development of educational contexts. These virtual spaces have attracted the interest of those who anxious to implement new teaching strategies to promote positive and relevant impacts on the student as the recipient to whom you want to reach with valuable content. Experiments realized in Latin America, as the Facebook project in Argentina, which have marked a milestone in its execution and have produced interesting results, still attract students who participate in them, more for the media and engaging nature of its specific communication and entertainment particularities, than its strength as a meeting academic environment

Author Biography

  • Gustavo Adolfo Peña Marín

    Diseñador Industrial(UCP); Magister en Comunicación Educativa (UTP); Docente tiempo completo e Investigador del Grupo , Tecnología y Cultura del Programa de Diseño Industrial, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad Católica de Pereria.






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