Communication Audit in Eje cafetero private universities


  • Heiller Abadía Sánchez
  • Andrea Vaca López Teacher


Organizational communication, Audition process, Intangibles, Organizational development


In the contemporary organizations, communication audit is a supporting task to determinate the existence and effectiveness of communication processes. In that way, the organizational communication systems become in strategic bases in the empower of the companies, where elements such as reputation, image, organizational environment, organizational culture, identity, information management, communication in crisis, social responsibility communication, and all of those intangibles elements are the basement of the company strategy and so that they are susceptible of evaluation.

Author Biographies

  • Heiller Abadía Sánchez

    Comunicador Social-Periodista, Especialista en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano, Magister en Comunicación Organizacional, Maestrando en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano.

  • Andrea Vaca López, Teacher

    Docente tiempo completo, miembro del grupo GECOFIT, Universidad La Gran Colombia seccional Armenia. Contadora Pública, Especialista en Revisoría Fiscal y Auditoría, Magister en Gestión Empresarial, Doctorando en Desarrollo Sostenible. 






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