Information technology outsourcing (ITO), Business process outsourcing (BPO) y Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO)
ITO, BPO, KPO, Outsourcing, Management strategy.Abstract
The article presents two components theoretical and conceptual elements that support the management strategy of outsourcing some regional empirical evidence of outsourcing and, mainly, the relevant aspects of the characterization of the sector, under the Productive Transformation Program, the Colombian government. The agency theory and value chains, base the business decision of outsourcing as an effective strategy to achieve one of the purposes of equity--benefit in the company. The Eje Cafetero evidence degree to engage in outsourcing (BPO); for example, the metropolitan areas of Pereira and Manizales, are beginning to recognize as the main headquarters for the location of major international companies developing outsourcing business.
Estudios Regionales