The prologue in the political constitution


  • Eudoro Echeverri Quintana


Values, Principles, Constitution, Politics, Prologue.


The Prologue of a Political Constitution makes one of the most interesting subjects of the Constitutional Right. The nonexistence in some of those political texts does not take away its importance; nevertheless, its presence in the majority of those text, implies differential analysis because the contents differ substantially: some with eloquent values and principles, others as proclamations and praise to its revolutionary martyrs, and others however with romantic references defending the ecology; the international scene of the human rights, demonstrates a hermeneutic north and an entailment to the States partially in its internal Constitutions and legislations. A brief journey by our constitutionalism and the world-wide constitutionalism will allow arriving to some provisional conclusions to nourish and maintain the academic debate.

In our legal tradition, the Prologue is the quintessence of the Constitution, is the substance of philosophy that inspires the synthesis of its content; partly is because of this that in Colombia the value of the Prologue is of such a magnitude that an opposite norm to its text is unconstitutional; the Court has pronounced itself in diverse opportunities on the matter. Although for other originating doctrines of foreign latitudes the Prologue is the light to the interpreter, and for other States the Introduction is of so little importance that not even exists.






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