Bienes públicos: Análisis microeconómico.


  • Armando Gil Ospina


Public goods, Private Goods, Theory of Games, Rights of Property, Micro-economic Theory.


In the conventional economic Iiterature it has been the matter of the externalidades like a problem that it can interfere in the efficient assignment of the pelfectly competitive markets. Another commonly grateful problem in the economic theory as possible distorsionador of the economic efficiency has to do with the public goods. The economists recognize that the flaw of the market happens when the system of competitive market produces the mistaken quantities of certain goods and services, or they don't assign the suitable resources for the generation of certain goods and services whose production is justified economically. The first case involves overflow effects or externalidades», the second, the public or social goods (Mc Connell and Brue, 1997, 87). A justification of the government's intervention in the economy is, in fact, the solution of this flaw; but, the detractors of this intervencióin accuse to the State of being naturally inefficient; while their defenders argue that the government's intervention in programs as the public health, the education, the highways, the clean environment and the well-being in general, it is not inefficient per you; on the contrary, this intervention should be considered that is to say as the alternative that can correct the shortcomings of the free market relatively, it can improve the economic efficiency and to propitiate bigger levels of social justness. This personal vision about the government's intervention that something like that like an orthodox position inside the beterodoxy», which can be as controversial as the burning debate that today he/she gets rid in several fronts.

The structure of the present rehearsal consists clearly of three sections evidenciables. The first part is dedicated to examine the conceptualization of the public goods in a profuse way through theoretical analysis, examples and illustrations. The second, have to do with micro-economic more technical aspects of the instrumental one (graphic analysis). In the last section, a group of comments appears by way of conciusion.

Once made this methodological explanation, the present reflection becomes the opportunity to examine with more detail this topic, and this way to have better debate approaches and critic in front of the provision of goods and public services that the government carries out in the community.





