La vivienda: Opción pedagógica para la cátedra de diseño arquitectónico en la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda.
Higher education in architecture, Desing’s pedagogy, Housing.Abstract
This article explores some possibilities about the teaching of the architectural design through the study of housing problems, especially with the analysis of the social dwelling. The author says that this methodology can be used in several forms, so since the design so since the construction, the urbanism and/or the sociology, for to give at the architecture’s students many possibilities in their forming process.
The architect Londoño García emphasizes, overcoat, in the roll of the education for the Catholic Popular University of Risaralda (C.P.U.R), in attend to the institutional MISSION, which preachment principles like the COMPROMISE and the SERVICE toward the region and the poorest. He has the opinion that the teachers of the architecture faculty can make reality this purposes if their classes are orient under these features.