El papel del lenguaje en la propuesta hermenéutica de Gadamer.
Hermeneutic, language, understanding and interpretationAbstract
The article that I am presenting is trying to clarify the proposal of Gadamer related to the language, the place of exception of this one in the hermeneutic proposal, and the way the author settles the bases for an ontology of the same one, so this way, it is only possible to think of the human being and its world from the language. Starting from the logos concept to get back to its original sense, it means, to rescue its first definition, the one of speech; and from there rebuild the place of the language. For such effect, the text’ develops what Gadamer conceives as an indissoluble nucleus, and that we could think as a basic triad of its conception about the hermenutic experience, the understanding, the interpretation and the application. In the same way, the text tries to introduce the difficult thematic about the objectivity of the interpretation, but this ‘ objectivity’ cannot be confused with wath is understood as objectivity nowadays. In this way, I present in parallel the positive conception about the language to ease the appreciation of the differences between both proposals, and to clarify why in Gadamer the subject of the language sends us to an ontology whereas for the philosophy of the language the matter of the language is only instrumental.