El lenguaje: Fuerza creadora y dinamizadora de los procesos de la comunicación


  • Jesús Olmedo Castaño López


Power of persuasion, elective process, reality, thought, language, semantics, communication


¿Which is the creative force of the language latent in each one of the processes that surround today’s man? The linguistic as a discipline of the humanistic sciences, has made possible the study of the development process of the nations through their languages as the innate capacity of expression and communication. This way it is a purpose of the article to analyze the rol of the language as a creative force of the same process of communication and it’s relation languagecommunication, that as an object of investigation and study phenomenon is motive of reflection of the disciplines that study it with real depth and scientific rigor.

“Correr el velo” to demonstrate formulas is a difficult task, however, the man as a historical being capable of seizing the reality through the use of the language in the interaction with each other and as an innate capacity to discover the world. Therefore, the study of the communication “a la luz” to the light of the language, takes the linguists and theorist of the communication to use the word to make more conscious the processes of the knowledge and the communication.





