And why our university? validity of a response.


  • Francisco Nel Jiménez Gómez


Universidad católica popular del Risaralda - history, eduaction, responsability, freedom.


The article has two points, the first one corresponds to a chapter of the book “For its history, reminding some events that brought UCPR to life”. One of those events is the path that the university followed to make the clear and plain formulation of the project “be support for the student to become ¡People!”, and as it is the one that will identify the University, I think that will be worth it to publish it in the pages of the institutional magazine of the UCPR.

In the second point and as a way to enlarge and complement, I have wanted to uncover “that”, that has been in the article 13 of the academic regulations since 1975, although it has not been spread with the deepness that it should be: ¡Responsibility! Suggestion and request : that the University decides to take again “that”, that is in its origins and that is not in the memory of our last Century society, despite the fact being it the absolute guarantee of freedom.





