Diferencia y unidad: un currículo que promueve el diálogo de la ciencia con la fe.


  • Willmar de Jesús Acevedo Gómez


Dialogue, faith, science, reason, construction, difference, unity, academic program, religion


This article has the main purpose of strengthening in the readers some fundamental aspects of the relation faith-reason, as an object of dialogue for the year 2006 in the UCPR community. It is proposed to increase the elements of dialogue to whom are interested in it: the introduction exposes the fundamental philosophical elements that support its difference and in its uords it is stated "to understand the order in the universe (science}, and to understand the purpose of the uniierse (religion)) thry are not similar concepts) - buy thry are not separated I?J a great distance" and, from phzjosophical elements also supports the argument of the unity;: like this ''while somepeople are insisting infinding in the scienceand in thefaith irreconcilable patbs, ¡vepropose encounter and unity in the difference) for the human parpose". The reflection is enncbed from the missionary, academia; pedagogical and curncular support; that covers the religious education program at the UCPR, it presents in a syntbetica! lform what has been its foundation; this way the difference and unity have been constructed in the same form in the academic and formation project that is shared, for this reason itgathers the evidentfoundations of this dialogue seen in the competencies as a resai: of a structure that goes through the fases of formation, the problematic nucleus and the academic areas.

Author Biography

  • Willmar de Jesús Acevedo Gómez

    Director de la licenciatura en Educación Religiosa UCPR (Pereira). Licenciado en filosofía USTA (Bogotá), Especialista en Pedagogía y desarrollo humano UCPR (Pereira).





