Industrias culturales análisis del sector de flujo audiovisual en Colombia: televisión y cine


  • Mauricio Vera Sánchez


Culture, Economy, Cultural industries, Audiovisual sector, Films and television.


The study of the culture, and mainly of the ways in which it is inserted in the economical dynamics of production and circulation, makes necessary an analysis of each one of the sectors that form it. In this paper it is covered the audiovisual flow sector in Colombia, emphasizing in films and television. The delimitation of the topic obeys to the fact that this is the sector that allows to generate bigger economies of scale having to feed constantly programming or exhibitions, to have wide distribution circuits and bigger employment structures. From some comparative elements with what happens in other countries regarding to the cultural cinematography and television industries, a panorama that allows to know widely the current state of the audiovisual issue in the country could be traced.

Author Biography

  • Mauricio Vera Sánchez

    Comunicador Social-Periodista. Especialista en Televisión. Maestro de planta Universidad Católica Popular de Risaralda, Programa de Comunicación Social-Periodismo





