El mensaje de cristo frente a los fenómenos culturales contemporáneos


  • Pbro. Behitman A. Céspedes de los Ríos


Culture, Postmodernity, Gospel, Crisis, Evangelization


This paper is based on two biblical texts: “ Hechos 17,16-18,4”, that tells Saint Paul‘s intervention in Athens Areópago, when he has to face a sincretist culture full of idols. There he must deposit the gospel seed. That was and it is the christians challenge: how to announce and make believable its salvation message in the middle of a plurality of cultures. Church in its first steps knew to face this challenge, which is the same formulated by post modern cultures, not always open to the faith.

The other text presents some greek people who wish to see Jesus ( Jn 12,20-21 ). These greek people can be seen as the culture, our culture, which is not constituted by itself in a rejection to faith. It could better be understood, in his search for happiness, his thirst for faith. We have the mission of showing them Jesús, to have the culture in a dialogue with Him. This the believers work.

However, God‘s sense and man sense loss, can not discourage us in our mission, on the contrary it has to motivate us to give testimony that God, the religion, the faith have a chance and are capable to respond to the human being in his search of plenitude, and that is worthwhile to live again a “ religion with God”.

As believers, we should never discourage, because we know God is with us, and he helps us in case we fear the challenges of the post modernity and the changing cultural phenomenon, and we can make possible that the culture experiments a real encounter with Jesus, the lord, death and resuscitated.

Author Biography

  • Pbro. Behitman A. Céspedes de los Ríos

    Sacerdote Diocesano, Teólogo bíblico. Director del Departamento de Cultura y Educación de la Diócesis de Pereira. Maestro de la Licenciatura en Educación Religiosa de la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda.





