Guía para el diseño de servicios en redes de telefonía móvil


  • Luis Alejandro Flétscher Bocanegra
  • Alvaro Ignacio Morales González


Mobile communication systems, Business standards, Services designing, Telecommunications.


Since its appearance, the mobile phone systems have not only revolutioned the nations social and economic behaviourism; but also the growing created dependency of the costumers towards this technology and its quick development, which currently have favoured more than the 80% of the world’s population with service covering and two thousand million subscribers (32,2% of the world’s population, according to the United Nations Organization data; Asocel, 2006), generating itself new business standards and a reality different vision, framed into the called mobile information society, where its leading members establish their own behaviour parameters and social hierarchy which would depend on facts such as the features of their terminals and the friendly access to certain distinguishing services

Author Biographies

  • Luis Alejandro Flétscher Bocanegra

    Ingeniero en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones, Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos de Telecomunicaciones. Maestro de planta Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda. 

  • Alvaro Ignacio Morales González

    Ingeniero de Sistemas, Especialista en Instrumentación Física. Maestro Auxiliar Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda.






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