El sector energético colombiano y las energías renovables


  • Patricia Morales Ledesma


Energy sector, Renewable energy, Emissions, Environment.


This paper describes the panorama of the Colombian energy sector, where it can be seen the dependency of the conventional energies that demand the use fo non renewable natural resources such as: petroleum, natural gas, and coal, which generate emissions that contaminate the environment and have a repercussion on the health of Colombians, based on it, it is tried to show the viability of the renewable energies considering the potentialities that have been identified of the solar, Aeolian, oceanic, geothermal and biomass energy in Colombia, as an alternative for the regions that are not covered by the national interconnected system.

Author Biography

  • Patricia Morales Ledesma

    Ingeniera Mecánica. Especialista En Diseño De Productos Hochschule Darmstadt. Especialista En Dirección De Centros De Formación Superior. Estudiante De Maestria En Ecotecnología. Integrante del grupo de Investigación, Tecnología y Diseño. Maestra Auxiliar del Programa De Diseño Industrial de la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda.






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