Sobre emprendimiento y empresarismo: apuntes para una aproximación conceptual que oriente su abordaje educativo como tendencia en las escuelas de negocios


  • Juan Carlos Muñoz Montaño


Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship spirit, management, Entrepreneurship formation.


This article pretends to become an initial proposal about the way the phenomenon of the entrepreneurship must be understood, in an integral perspective of its dynamic, regarding the necessary conditions for its integral comprehension. A theoretical reflection of the criteria that supports the proposal is presented and specially those framed in the thematic of the entrepreneurship. The contribution is towards the discipline and the education, since the phenomenon is analyzed from an educational point of view, according to its orientation in the business schools and particularly in the Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda.

Author Biography

  • Juan Carlos Muñoz Montaño

    Administrador de Empresas. Especialista en Docencia Universitaria. Maestro Asistente Programa de Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda.






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