Pereira: between veiled memory, blurred history and postmodernity misunderstood - a reading of his current being from the example of the sitm-Megabus
City, Memory, History, Integrated System of Massive Transport.Abstract
The following text tries to approach the thematic one of the Memory from the interpretation of progress demonstrated in the urban renovation in Pereira -and special in the construction of the Integrated System of Massive Transport SITM-Megabús -. Raises that Pereira lives between the Memory, History and the Posmodernity, but no of them really reflects the being City; the Memory because it is guarded by a story of the history framed in the frenetic speeches of the consumption through the Average Mass; History, because -in equality with the previous thing he is partial, "a history" is only counted and the past it is stumped more and more in a single version; and, the Posmodernity, because although it is certain we lived in the society of the means -as it suggests Vattimo-, of the mediatic speeches, which has occurred in Pereira is not indeed the plurality of the speeches -that impels the posmodernity-, but the to silence of the diverse thing, to differ, the Citizen and its relations, in a phrase: "a silence of the being of the City to favor the beauty of the cement". We have one more a "prettier city", but we must be asked: what City?