Risaralda, advances in human development and millennium goals


  • Mario Alberto Gaviria Ríos


Human development, Equity, Genus.


This work answer to the interest to review the recent advances of the department of Risaralda in the supply of opportunities of development for its population. For it part of the approach of human development of the PNUD and assumes a perspective of genus in the analysis of the indicators.

This concludes that, in the matter of human development in the department, the greater difficulties are concentrated in the reduction of the dynamics of economic growth and the inequality territorial and of genus in the access to the opportunities. As opposed to that problematic, the document advances in the preliminary exposition of recommendations and elements of public policy.

Author Biography

  • Mario Alberto Gaviria Ríos

    Integrante grupo de investigación "Crecimiento Económico y Desarrollo". El informe hace parte del seguimiento al desarrollo social del departamento de Risaralda, componente del proyecto "Pobreza" que viene trabajando el grupo de investigación. Una primera versión fue presentada como ponencia en el Encuentro Nacional Universitario por el desarrollo humano y la paz: "Las otras violencias: la otra paz", Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda, abril 16 y 17 de 2008.






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