A classroom experience in project pedagogy: teaching audiovisual language from the autobiographical


  • Mauricio Vera Sánchez
  • Rosa María Niño Gutiérrez


University teaching, Classroom research, Interaction, Pedagogy based on projects, Audiovisual language, Autobiographical stories.


The present paper contains a pedagogical reflection about a research experience in the classroom with second-semester students of the Social Communication and Journalism Program. The research is based on the concept of Pedagogy through Projects and was carried out by professors of the Social Communication and Journalism Program and of the Psychology and Education Program at the Universidad Cató- lica Popular del Risaralda in 2007.

In the article, the authors describe the organization of a didactic sequence led by a professor in the Social Communication and Journalism Program and the planning, execution, socialization, and evaluation steps of a pedagogical project. These phases articulate two aims: first the professor’s, who is interested in creating situations aimed at teaching the audiovisual language in order to transcend the traditional methods regarding it; and second, the students’, who, facing the problem of how to articulate the learning of the audiovisual language to real interests, meaningful and pertinent to their own environment, coincide in linking this learning to their own life stories. Students do so by making use of the audiovisual language to tell such personal stories from various perspectives.

According to the authors, the above-mentioned research experience brings about two possibilities of transdisciplinar learning: the first critically revisits the teaching activity, and the second relates each individual with his or her personal biography. The authors opt for the former, given their interest in clarifying the place pedagogy has in the teaching of this discipline.

Author Biographies

  • Mauricio Vera Sánchez

    Comunicador Social y Periodista de la Universidad del Externado de Colombia, Especialista en Televisión de la
    Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Maestro del Programa de Comunicación Social y Periodismo de la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda

  • Rosa María Niño Gutiérrez

    Pregrado en Fonoaudiologia de la Universidad del Valle, Especialización en Lectura y Escritura de la Universidad del Valle, Maestria en Lingüística de la Universidad del Valle. Directora de Educación de la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda





