Guidelines and strategies for rural territory intervention in Risaralda: application of a methodological tool to diagnose and evaluate rural development. Case study of the zone of influence of the middle basin of the river Otún
Rural development sustentable, Urban - regional planning, Development of rural policies, Protection hydrographic basins, Integration Urban - regional, Ordination of the basin happens of the Rio Otún and his your zone of influenceAbstract
The need to revitalize the rural zones of the country, makes necessary the development of new policies and enclosing and strategic limits that allow from the regional joint to generate new scenes or stages that strengthen the conservation of the environment and the potentialization of the landscape across alternative projects that are directed to the improvement of the quality of life of the citizens. The article tries to demonstrate the construction of a methodological tool to diagnose and to evaluate the rural development from his application in the zone of influence of the Rio Otún, populated centers The Bella, The Apple tree and The Florida, and his relation with projects of the regional area