The video clip: the whole inside the fragment, an aesthetic analysis of the videos of popular music
Televisual, Videoclip, Popular Music, Aesthetics, Cultural IndustriesAbstract
For long time- says Arlindo Machado- ,the theoreticians of Communication have accustomed us to see the television as a popular media, a mass mean (in its worst sense), giving the wrong impression about some interesting, singular and meaningful television expressions to define the statute of this media in the contemporary cultural panorama. And it is exactly in the privileged place of expression, in the television screen, where the objects of reflection of this text are located: the video clips of folk music that are shown permanently in the specialized local channels of the city such as Son Popular o El Popular, and in which some specific titles where is possible to find an aesthetic level in the relation of its constituent elements: the singer and all of his gestures, his clothes and stages where the story told in the clip is developed and presents a specific way of being in some place; the lyrics of a infantile but painful resentment; the relation of the technological resources that allow to establish a particular way of register, it is a sort of technogramma; an image produced in the improvisation of a type of music that in the coffee region is produced and spread almost to industrial levels, is generating a dynamics of marketing and exposition of the singers that has never seen before. So, this is an article about the folk music that is played in the most popular of the media: the television.