Tactics and strategies in Manizales's public spaces


  • Carolina Velásquez Gómez


Public space, informal merchants, tactic, strategy, special appropriation, temporal architecture


This article examines the operation of informal merchants in public spaces as temporal architecture, presents the way in which such merchants appropriate the said spaces, and illustrates the tensions that such appropriation engenders. The article highlights notions of temporal architecture developed by several authors, such as tactic and strategy, regarding the case of Chipre in Manizales and contrasts this case with the current urban regulation applicable in Manizales.


The article also illustrates the ongoing process carried out in Manizales to cope with informal merchants, which provides key elements to analyze the notions of tactic and strategy and to identify how these merchants operate in public spaces.

Author Biography

  • Carolina Velásquez Gómez

    Arquitecta, Universidad Católica de Manizales. Magíster en Arquitectura, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Docente programa de Arquitectura, Líder de la Línea de Investigación en Desarrollo Territorial, Grupo Hábitat, Cultura y Región, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda.






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